Thursday, October 7, 2010

Take me a 5 day weekend

Took off from work today, slept in and caught up on the news via internet, will now drag my lazy ass over to Bally's for a kick ass workout and a good soak in the Jacuzzi. Then treat myself to breakfast/lunch  and then try to figure out what to do with this day off. So As I try to get dressed here and head off to the gym I'm really fighting going back to bed and do nothing, but my conscience will win out and I will do what I need to do for healths sake. 2 more days til we head off to vegas to see the Bronx Tale and I'm really anxious about that never been to a Broadway play and what better way to indoctrinate than with Chaz a his best. Terria ,Brandon and I are are really  excited about the trip and not being a /Vegas fan it takes alot to get me interested in anything like that bu should be great, me T and Brandoni together or a good trip and great music on the ipod on the way so I am really fired Off to the Gym ughhhh!

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