Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's All Good

The long weekend is over and it's back to the regular gringd of doing very little. All seems normal after a 5 day mini vacation, what's this, like  my 6th mini vacation this yesr and stioll have a few left in me befire Christmas.I Have 50 hours of leave that i must use before January 1st so that will be an easy thing to do for me. Not realty sure where the venture will be, not Vegas thats for damn sure, never seen so many losers in my life all Gambling their lives away for the hopes to win and then give it all back, never understood that phenomenon??? Seems like the Asians , all factions of them love to gamble and their pushy asses need to relax and get out of my way or i will Nagasaki their asses with a karate chop to the fuckin throat. anyway, on a more peaceful ,loving gesture , I am anticipating this years holiday season for some reason, maybe its becuas ethe famuily is thinning out and we have less places to venture to this year, whatever the case may be, won't really miss the hustle and bustle of rushing to here and then there and eating 4 different meals at 4 different places, this year will either land us at Aprils, or somewhere solo away from family altogether, i don't quite rememeber if we are doing something at sisters house or they have other plans? I was watching the last out of the Braves  game yesterday and was really saddened A, because the Giants won, but more so  becuawse Bobby cox managed his ;last game as a Manager in the big leagues, retiring after what seemed like an eternity in baseball and an eternity in the city of Atlanta, having so many good teams and winning 14 consecutive league championships as the manager and only winning 1 world series seems kind of odd, but he was a great and will be missed. One thing that made me feel good about humanity was the respect the Giants players showed to him while celebrating their victory and moving to the next level of the playoffs , they took a break from their celebration to acknowledge Bobby Cox as he took a step out of the dugout and his home fans cheered him a nice goodbye, the giants all stopped and celebrated for Bobby Cox which was a classy move on their part. so many great teams and players , the last one being chipper  from the old days and hope he makes a comeback from his knee injury. The playoff season is getting bettr now and hoping that somebody , i don't care whom , beats the yankees store bought team somehow , someway! Well the day is off to a great start , i have very little on the books to be done, already took care of the business that i had for the day now i just wait and hope the day moves along quickly and that the world outside behaves itself accordingly. As I was readying myself for bed last night i had just upodated my phone via Blackberry Desktop manager and uploaded some old pictiures that i had taken 2 blackberry phones ago, there were a couple of very ,very! tough pictures for me to look at  and not cringe with some sense of anger. I took the picture of Terria at the Hen in her little knit cap sipping on water and it made me feel really ugly inside, this was the time where she was at an alltime low in her life because of me and it was a chilling reminder of how far we've come since that day! I also came across pictures that i had forgotten I took at Spring trainig this year and a few I took in hollywood and some randon stupoid pictures i took from my window seat on the airplanes travels,Why , who knows but I came across some 150 pictures that i vaguely remember taking. So Tuesday brings me closer to Friday, I guess we are thinking of going with the group to Karaoke bar i Ventura on Saturday, we shall see, Don't know if terria wants to really go and will go if she wants to, if not , no big deal we will fuind something todo together as always. Well, looks like i'm back i  the saddle of another work week and am very thankful for the opportunities that i have been given at work, home and oin this world, have a great day and see you later on tonight!

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