Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Adventures

Today is the first day of a new adventure for me. From here on out i begin a new era Of Blogospheric intensity and start new and fresh with a fresh cut and new outlook on the writing aspect of it all. I came up with this Grand idea of publishing my blog in a hardback book form and had a company do it for me. i will make this a gift for Terria and i know she will really appreciate it all, over 125 pages of my rants and raves from Jan through this morning, all sent and ready to be turned into a book and includes every post I have written to include, poems, comments and pictures, even has the listings of all the songs  and comments that accompany them as well. Very cool gift idea I think and relatively cheap i thought and in full color ! Even had a nice dedication page and includes a picture on the covers front and back, i chose the Whitehouse pictures i took when i was in DC recently and really like how it looks and am proud of my writings and my ability to share my thoughts and views! Looking back and reflecting on the year and all of it's trial and tribulations i feel a sense of accomplishment to be able to make some mistakes, have the intelligence and foresight to fix them and the desire to want to be better for the most truly incredible woman alive! I always thought that a therapist was a waste of time, damn how dumb was i , the most incredible things have happened since then, the ability to fix old broken ways of self perception, that would have never fixed themselves because i never knew what i was doing. Yet here I sat self destructing and sabotaging my own successes with the lack of worthiness that i never even knew i possessed. Amazing what somebody smarter than i could pick me apart and show me the way! I do enjoy reflecting on my troubles and my ways out of the depths of troubles, it shows the ability for me to grow and expand upon what i thought was already perfect and yet knew very little about the real Greg, now that i do and have the tools ,this life of joy is more than a trip or a gift, it is a spiritual awareness to truly comprehend how to become better and happier than ever before, if i were to stand pat and do nothing,i would be fighting this battle again down the road sometime and do not ever want to do that to terria again, not just to terria but my kids and my family and my to disappoint so many on so many levels was very discouraging to me. Move to today and the growth is incredible and i am very proud of myself and truly grateful that i am who i am and what i am and was smart enough to be able to say" I need help and fix the broken parts a of Greg that he never knew were broken. Never too late to learn something about yourself and to think we are complex enough to fix ourselves is a severe case of double ignorance" not knowing that you don't know" So feeling blessed and very thankful for the gifts I have and continue to receive with all of the love of Family and friends that I have ,and the health and well being of a mental awareness that i never could have had without the love and help that i have received. Good Days indeed ! 

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