Friday, October 22, 2010


Watched a little Baseball tonight, Rangers kicked the crap out of the Yankees, Sorry Robert but Money can't buy you everything ,butI'm sure they will buy themselves another championship soon! Had a relaxing evening after a busy day of running around and doing things that were on my docket, took care of all those and just lacked geting a haircut and mowing the lawn. The lawn is a fucking Cornfield, beautifully green and lush but 12" high and needs a thwacking badly.Terria was a little under the weather today and did nothing, we sat around and watched the game together, Tim and Ape came over and we made strawberry cake and they had some as we watched the end of the Ballgame and the rest of the Laker game on the tube. tomorrow really has nothing going, A haircut and the lawn and thats an hour and then what, Hitting Golf balls maybe, maybe a trip somewhere to get away if the weather holds up. Got the tickets in the mail for the December 5th game in Phoenix to see the Rams and Cards playing, great seats which retailed for 300 a piece were able to  Stub hub them for 100 a piece, actually 86 but with shipping and the other truly unnecessary charges that keep them in business 200 for both of them delivered, 18 dollars to ship them whe they could have been mailed for a buck and insured by USPS.Fuck it when i Rome I spose and the rules are the rules, We did get nice 30 yard line seats 4o rows up so I'm happy and it will be a great 46th birthday gift for Terria . Both T and I are suffering from insomnia and i kinda have a stomach ache and feel a little bloated so we're going to watch Becker DVD's til we get tired. I hope the sun does shine brightly tomorrow and that all are doing incredible well!

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