Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ready to ??

Happy Humpday mother fuckers!!!! I got a late start this morning , thanks sweetie for getting me up and out and shooting through the morning dew, i really was not motivated to get to work today. Feeling really good, here at work and the mood is high and the energy levels are good so far. Feeling a  little hungry right now and don't know what I will do for a quick energy pick me up, something in the office kitchen perhaps ? I look at today as an opportunity to glolat a little, pretty proud of the fact that we have traveled far and high together and really have worked at being closer than ever before, which by definition would have been hard to match as we are always on top of each other emotionally and spiritually! No quick fix remedies, just good old fashion hard work and determination to see the end results by putting in the time and understanding that Rome was not built in 20 minutes. So we come to today and talk about the plans we have and the goals we set  and the little things we do throughout our day that truly matter for one another. We don't call too often as i hate the telephone  but we are in constant contact all day long and never truly seem that far away from each other, but even as she sits 25 miles away and a 35 minute drive time away from me i feel really connected for all of the right reasons. WE do pamper ourselves with things and gifts daily, we never truly see it as a treat or abnormal to do things for each other , just an everyday occurance, I'd feel weird if we didn't act as we do but the constant attention to details is so very much expressed and enjoyed. Terria is so damn anal about being a planner and making sure everything is done perfectly and it always is and never puts herself before anybody else ,which i suppose is a good thing, i just wish she was more selfish and demanded more but she is not and I love her deeply for those things, as she loves me for all of my idiosyncrocies and oddities and my selfish ways as well. But being more cognizant of being more aware and trying to be less about me I can see a clearer picture and have noticably become a better husband and person towards her and her needs. so we do enjoy the everyday and we will always work towards enjoying the little things about each other  as well as the obvious things , we walk together and we never walk alone. The time and efforts we have put towards each other has truly paid off and we are both enjoying the goodness and are always aware that we can never become complacent and think that the work can ever stop. It sounds like overkill but she is more than worth it and I can honestly say that all of my departures, be it physical or emotional I am at a crossroads of the understanding of some of my issues, the beauty of it all is that I would have never known what to fix if I wouldn't have had the proper diagnosis and been given the tools to fix my flaws and best of all realize where I am and where I was and all the ground we have covered together. I am in a great place today and it has not been an easy road but a road that needed traveling ! I know i'm not easy to understand, I know I'm not an easy person to to totally get comfortable with, but my uneasiness is also my best attribute and I am in a constant state of flux. I have changed alot about me, but i am still the same core person who loves, and hurts and admires and commands and demands respect as much as he can give it all back. Those who have crossed the line have felt the wrath, those stupid few who have chosen the path of most resistance have dealt with my dark side and wished that they hadn't. But I am well adored and respected and enjoy that portion of my world, the rest can go fuck themselves and I say that with the most love and admiration that i can muster, Stupid kills, People , Stupid Kills! World Series tonight ...Go Rangers,Fuck San Fran!


  1. I staretd writing this at 745 am , a coworker was beding my ear this morning and i could not totally concentrate on the task at hand but I was in the end able to send out my post an hour after i was ready! Oh well

  2. If i could only fuckig spell, having big hands is cool when you're grabbing ass or tits , but the modern fuckin keyboard is too goddamn small
