Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mental GPS!

I'm in this zone right now
I feel really bright and so damn smart
The clarity is incredibly scary today
I know from what i speak

Can't truly say i've been at this level before
I can say i thought i was and did
The days of arrogance and over confidence
taking a backseat to the way it really should be

Clearing my throat and my head
the soul had taken a back seat ride
Cleared out the passengers and the hangers on
the window and the future isclear to me

A bump in the road has come under me
I jump over as the knee brace allows
The thoughtful loving goodness is here
as the pains subsides I Aleve it away

As I spew my words to this page
I never realize that i am of age
Where the adult in me never comes to play
but the honesty will never hide

So many days the sun does shine
so much has given me reasons to smile
I just assumed it was my right
So wrong was i ,I cannot deny

I take my challenges and kick em in the jaw
I seek out tomorrow as a brand new start
to get it all right ,that which i have failed
Tests of life , we push ourselves

I self motivate and compensate
For the weaknesses of others and our human side
To never allow the demons to find
My heart, my soul  and my reasons to strive

the bitterest pill is the one we should have taken
the hardest choice is a decision never made
no looking back on what if,how or what
we make our bed and find the pillow

My GPS puts me on the map
this world so small and seems so insignificant
I tether my hopes on the sacred few
Always knowing just what to do

1 comment:

  1. Always preaching Self awareness and understanding, I feel a sense of relief, from what i cannot say, there are no skeletons or issues i hold onto, but for some strange reason i feel the burdens were never truly burdens just ways to hang onto something to think about? My issues are things that I generally recognize and jump on immediately, or at least keep them on a burner somewhere and never let them pass. i'm not wired to sweep shit under the rug or to take things with a grain of salt, my shit is always rock salt and ever present. i may be overbearing and opinionative on many things, but the one thing i now know better than anything is myself and my limitations and I'm good with that! good days!Good Times
