Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Macbook Air Post

A Very busy Saturday for us  for sure. Got a later start than normal and got out of the house around 10 ti meet Tim and Ape at Breakfast in Ventura ,then we headed to the Gym and went shortly after that to the store for Groceries. Shopped and then dropped off food at the house  and headed to the Thousand Oaks Mall to look for a new computer , I wanted a Macbook Air from Apple and we went into the Apple store in the Mall and were in Techie Heaven as there were ipods and computer strewn about, Iphones and all kinds of ridiculous stuff around us,But i knew what i wanted and we went straight to it and had the dude help us get exactly what we wanted, a 13" Macbook air with all the shit we needed and headed out of the mall in record time, on the way to the Mac store Terria saw some really cool shoes for me and we stopped in there and I tried on a pair of shoes and we bought them , perfect fit and looked really cool so i made out today ok, Xmas and birthday are covered, I wonder what I'm buying myself for Xmas now that Terria has taken care of my ass!!!!!. The rest of the day flew by and we came home made a quick dinner of Chili dogs and then we set out on the Birthday cake fro Bob Nevarez, we made him a chocolate, chocolate ganache center filing with an inscription of Happy Birthday on the top and some cool swivel design on the sides, it was a fun thing to do together and we really like Bob so it was even more pleasurable. Got ahold of him and he said he would be by around 6:30 tomorrow night so we will be looking forward to seeing our friend and sharing in his birthday celebration.We got Halloween candy to pass out to the kids and that will be ok as well in giving to these little fartknockers  .So its almost time for a good nights sleep and this is my first run on a real post on my new hardware, the videos and youtube were the first but this is my first real post on my new Apple Macbook Air. tomorrow brings football games and relaxation day for me, tomorrow could be my first gym day off in a month but that always changes. til tomorrow, good night and be well

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