Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Level 42 - It's Over (lyrics also @ description)

Funny thing about this song is that i have never dumped a woman ...ever.... and have always been the person dumped , that shit cracks me up. funny thing is that over the years everytime i was ousted I laughed and always said "she just doesn't like to be treated like a woman" Next! I do love this song and really enjoyed Level 42 in the 80's actually saw them alot with my ex wife in L.A. over and over again. I was just listening to this song the other day and made me think of being the dumped one. to this day i get a kick out of that because I always start laughing about it all. It's really interesting how being discarded always made me feel better about myself and how i reversed it and put it on the other person as It had the opposite effect on me, i felt better because I knew that i gave my everything to whomever it was that kicked me to the curb, Today I have the incredible recipient of my goodness and behold, I get it all back and then some. funny how life plays it tricks and brings things around to where they should be. no disresepct to all my ex's , but... thank you all so very much!

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