Sunday, October 24, 2010

Busy October for Me"Verbose"

Been a busy month of October foe me around the Blogosphere, 114 posts tgis month alone and no end in sight. Love to write and speak my mind,tryig to watch this shit fest of a football game tonight not a fan of either team and essentially aiting for Terrias baked Zitti pasta dish to be ready to consume any minute,I can smell it in the air Yummy!!! I'm starting to like Twitter, they have changed the format a bit and its a little easier to post photos and video on the site these days. Besides its like here, its whatever I want it to be and  wont offend anybody ,no family or friends commenting on my words of wisdom, or lack thereof I do enjoy Twitter moreso than Facebook and it really is good to be back to whree it all started for me online...Twitter, very stupid and meaningless, but for somebody like myself who loves to write and listen to myself speak all day long, this is what I do . So whatever I say only maters to me anyway. time to eat , I'm outta here love it!

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