Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Slow start Today

Very slow send off today, nearly an hour late to work today, forgot the truffles i made for work today and had to go back and get them, forgot to put gas in the truck last night and almost ran out of gas. Probably was a mile or two away from pushing myself into work, thankfully there are a shitload of gas stations on the way to work, 10 to be exact in an 8 mile stretch! Got to work and starting to drink my Vanilla coffee that Terria made me,yummy and thanks again. So I'm at my desk and head to my Blog site, can't get inspired at first glance go over to Facebook and see what a cesspool that place still is and lose interest there in a hurry, So bad is it over there thati actually started using twitter again just because I feel a little less restricted on twitter cuz i don't ask people to follow me they choose that on their own ,so if i offend it's not my place to unfriend or delete or whatever the case may be. But i'm back to that and witing here many times per day to journal my thoughts ,feelings and moods. right now kind of in a moderately disinterested mood, the weather i think has a lot to do with that and it truly affects my moods when the sun is not shining brightly upon my day. Been doing a lot of thinking again on past and present issues with myself, the need to re-invigorate myself always pops up, when well enough is always better than good i try and try to seek out that which is not necessary, nothing bad or malicious just a thought or two about a track day , a motorcycle , a trip to someplace not yet ventured , some visits to some old crew members to re unite some old good feelings, but yeah a bike sometime soon would really stimulate alot of my energies, but moreso this mind of mine runs wildly and ha=s not allowed me to sleep a good nights sleep in a long time, never being a good sleeper ever, not even as a child, i always think myself to sleep. i remember when i used to ride the bicycle daily years back i would find myself climbing in the alps,or around lake casitas's little climbs and rhythmically out of the seat stomping on the pedals tour de france style, amazingly it worked. Nowadays thinking about riding a sportbike leaned over in a turn at 100 mph is almost too much stimulation and excites me so that i cannot ever go to sleep. But funny i never wake up exhausted and feel like i need more sleep, just cold and don't wanna get out of bed, feel pretty energized right now and sadly enough look forward to a gym shoot around at Base gym at lunch and then meet Terria at Bally's for a good workout on the machines. They are having a Potluck here at work ,i made chocloate truffles but will not eat here, the food is great but too fatty and all fried and just bad unhealthy stuff, so i will sneak off to Subway and eat with Jarrod today and hope that holds me over til tonight. Brandon is making dinner tonight and we are glad that we don't have to cook, i made bacon and Sausage Omelette's last night for diner with sharp cheddar cheese and were incredibly good, then made the truffles for todays potluck for the co-workers. so it was off to the TV room and started playing on the computer, watched MLB network and then went to bed around 1130 and finally dosed off after 115, got up at 7 , which is what time i'm spose to be at work and ended up showing up at 750 after shower, gas stop and trip back home to pick up forgotten truffle tray!!! so the work day is amazingly slow again, the days do drag if i don't keep myself mentally challenged, nothing here to read that i haven't read already but need to re read Schaeffers books again until he produces another on e, son i hope ,i know he's working on one now and don't have a pub date on it yet. Speaking of which i see where you can get the blogs published and printed in book form, i might do that sometime soon, in addition to my T-shirt design that i want to make for Xmas and gicve out a Family presents, all seemed to be pretty happy about it as a good Joke t-shirt and kinda eye opening mantra "have an Average Day" Mediocrity rules! on a black t-shirt with white writing and the circle head with a straight line for the mouth to indicate indifferent ! i liked that design for along time and finally worked one out on the net, now i just have to submit it and have them printed out and distribute them to my family and crew, thinking maybe 30 shirts and that way can get them to the folks that would wear them, my crew family and brother and bother in laew and my boys, Terria would wear one to school just to indicate her displeasure for the way we have accepted Mediocrity in the educational system and just how stupid TV is making these kids, technology as a whole is really desensitizing society and we will pay for this in future generations, but fuck that ,I'm not that generation and will thrive fine, my kids will deal with that stupidity if they haven't yet already, i  have and can walk away from it as my job and my life don;'t depend on anything but the basics of family ,friends and the ones that i love and care about so it doesnt affect me too much,i can just sit back and watch the fools do their thing and get a free show and a chuckle, Mentally Bankrupt is outr society and that's ok, Watching potential congress woman O'Donnell  from NY on TV last night ,the new Sarah Palin of stupidity and not knowing her Constitutional facts and being laughed at in a debate with the democratic runner and not realize e they were laughing at her,it was priceless. This is where we are at, Sarah Palin and her whore daughter are superstars for being stupid, yet scholars and people who make a difference in peoples lives go u  noticed and being a Kardashian is a good thing, yeah we got talent america, be as promiscuous and stupid as possible and we will make you 6 oclock new banter. This is why i live in secret little box of indifference when it comes to society, i will help anybody who needs it asks for it and move along, but my days of fixing broken shit other than my own are fucking done and dead like Fried fucking chicken, damn i love that line Dead like Fucking fried chicken, thank you Samuel L. Jackson  in pulp fiction for bringing that to life. I am being asked to cook some breakfast for the girls here at work so i will go to the kitchen like the good little bitch that i am and create something wonderful for my girls here at work, oh yeah and Richard B too!! lmmmfao good days niggas! be back shortly

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