Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lost train of thought, but whatever

I had so many thoughts running in my head after the gym this afternoon, more ideas and observations actually and lost all track of my mental plot. Texted my friend Brad,Mr Prozac and he texted me back saying he was doing fine, sent out another text to Erwin reminding me he's late on another payment ot me and still await that text back . Really tranquil afternoon so far and headed home in a bot , don't know whats on tap for tonight other than Brandon is making dinner tonight and i can relax  and sit back and do nothing. no baking tonight  nothing going on which is good, the weather is still overcast ,the rains have gone but still dreary and not really diggin it anymore. Have laundry to do tonight but wont do it ,just feel like unloading myself into my recliner and doing as little as possible tonight. I assume some sort of Baseball on the tube so i will watch that and don't know who I am rooting for , I do like the Reds and I always have liked the Phillie's, National League all the way for me. Really have no idea what Brandon is making tonight but we shall be dazzled for sure, hes' done well with every meal he has made us to date and It's good practice for him to make things weekly that they do in class for us at home.Terria goes to the gym after work and I don't have it in me to make a second trip today, the weather has me feeling sluggish and lax today so i will take the evening off and wait for her to come home and see what Brandon has in store for dinner to night and enjoy whatever it is. I still can''t get my head around what my original topics of conversation are but that's ok ,i am never at a loss for words or things to say be it vocally or via the scribe method, not that i have alot to say or anything....fuckin funny fucker i am!!!

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