Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday my friend

Good Thursday morning to my family and crew, it is a great day so far. terria is feeling better which means I feel better and I am at work contemplating how i will get my short 8 hour day done without a hiccup or interruption. An interruption from what is a better question, an interruption would be almost adored at this point , work being so slow and really looking for things to do around here. The traffic school will wait a little longer to get started ,not really ready for the dryness yet of a poorly made video presentation,damn these things are horrible. So whatever it brings i'm ready , work out after work , no basketball today at the gym just and afterwork session at Bally's and then therapy at 6 tonight, Dinner date afterwards and then home . Off Friday tomorrow but looks like the weather is going to keep me off the golf course tomorrow and I don't know exactly what i will do to occupy my day off, the Bongo drums will get a nice workout for sure tomorrow sometime. Back to today it is very quiet here at work and the crickets are ven taking the day off, damn weird around here, been ugly weather all week and seems weird to be so slow , slower than normal here at work but it pays the same weather or not we have a thousand customers or zero, we are not a profit based organization as is the Govt as a whole , unless you're a Republican politician, ugh , those stupid fuckers give me so much ammo to fuck with them but it's too easy to kick a dead man in the jaw . I will check my emails, read the news, a tweet a few comments and then begin to try to get into the traffic school thing

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