Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another day Closes Nicely

Another great Evening and kinda forgot about the Baseball game tonight, got caught up in dinner and talking to wifey about this and about that, Damn Giants are for real I guess, kind of a dud series I was hoping for phillies /Yankees but the two teams here earned it, a yawner nonetheless. Meeting My Brother Rich at the Coffee bean in the morning to have acofee and drop off hs Alfred E. Neuman mask i bought him on Ebay, should be good to see him ,will see him at the Rio Homecoming game on Friday which will be cool to attend, some of the girls say they might show up so we shall see if it becomes a happy hour at the game lol! feeling a little tired tonight, the egs are sore today after the leg workout and hitting Golf balls but hopefully will be a better workout day tomorrow. Watched a little Maddow and Olbermann and am so discusted at the new emergence of the Republican narrowminded racist party, we are in serious trouble as a coun try when hatred over rides rationale and the betterment of our country . But Fuck that and fuck politics, that shit wil go on without my registered voting ass one way or another. So enough of that dogshit and back to smething a little more positive, like saythe bite of that Snickers bar I just took  and that iced cold Diet pepesi I am drinking all the while watching the hapless Clipers getting their asses handed to them by a bunch f-in foreigners from Portland, ridiculous. Tomorrow i lan on geting to work a little late since meeting Rich for coffee at the Bean at 645 am and then head to work and get that al done in grace and style...yeah work gracefully and stylish, like thats my forte right lol! Ready fro the evening shower and then set the music up for the trip to beddy bye. he week is nearing its end and I so look forward to this weekend . Good Night!!!

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