Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday nearly Down

Just ventured over to Facebook for a bit and tried to renew the vigor of the spew i would share, but just couldn't get interested in the project at all,or Facebook for that matter. The day here is bringing about a little cold and raining outside which is nice to see on occation. The day has actually gone by quickly and leaving here in a few to go to the Orthopedic Dr to see what he wants to do about my knees, hoping I get a shot in the left knee and hoping that it works as well as the shot on the right one did ,if so! After the Dr. Terria and i are headed to Bally's for a workout then home for a quick dinner and do some baking tonight again. Made really good chocolate Muffins last night for Terria work and the girls at work found out and were not ahhpy that i didn't bring them any. So I told them that i  would make them special ones with a chocloate Truffle center of pure chocolatey goodness inside of cholcolatey Greatness. That should be cool enough to do, just have to be patient with the Truffle Ganache and not rush it and make it cool too quickly! so the night is essentially planned out for tonight, The Dr. will be a good indication of where the Dr. thinks my knees are, wanna get back to running ands shooting hoops for exercise in addition to the regular routine of gym and golfing that i currently run under. So the day is nearing its completion and will head out in about 45 minutes to Ventura and meet the Saint at O'Hallorans office and then be seen and find out what we are doing. abother great workday nearly down the drain and ready for another great evening of Family time! Good Day and Good Night

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