Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Nightly ritual

Terria finished grading papers, paying bills and just sitting around doing what I do,My music, my world s music and there is nothing like moving internally to a good song, some of which have memories or connotations and it makes me feel good when I discover an old song r even a new ne . This year musically had brought me some new bands and new music to follow and wait for with anticipation to come to my town and play in fron tof me, otherwise I will take what I can get musically. I kick myself in the ass for not learnng how to la guitar as a kid, but playing sports took so much time and I never thought about breaking my dream of playing pro ball to play live music for a living. But the music is still enjoyed as are the sports and all is truly enjoyed to their fullest. It's a great close to another day and good night to all and be ready for more tomorrow I assure you

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