Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Golf Balls and Bologna Sandwiches... Shit!!!

After a lunch of hitting golf balls and having a lovely Bologna sandwich I get back to work and am so damn tired, from what I can't even come up with a real reason or excuse, maybe age, maybe the semi overcast weather whatever the case may be it's all good . Seems like today is going slower than normal but I can deal with that too, waiting on days end and meeting Terria at the gym after work for an hour of workout time. Got a text from Brandon asking what we want him to make for dinner, don't know what i feel like, but he's anxious to cook whatever he can and practice  his cooking whenever he can. Glad he's enjoying the culinary classes and we have really enjoyed some good food. Terria has made some kick ass dishes the last 2 nights and has given the Saurus the nights off from the kitchen. So i guess its wait and see about dinner but i am good either way, kind of enjoying the time out from the kitchen , love cooking but hate cleaning up after myself after a meal, I do make a mess when I cook! THis is in fact a workweek Friday for me and apparently the gang is doing Karaoke on Saturday night at the golden China, don't really know if Terria wants to go or not, i don't really care either way so time will tell. Right now I'm trying to figure out a way to make the new bike happen sooner than later but unfortunately am relying on other people to do their part and pay me back to make it easier for me to not have to dig so deep into my cookie jar. I was up late last night crunching numbers and going over specs and truly wondering when I should do this, but as I said the old Greg would have jumped on this, now i wait and ponder and investigate a little more these days and trying to make good decisions as money doesn't grow on trees and i won't ever have to sacrifice one aspect of my lifestyle to satisfy another, so hopefully those who owe me money will pay me and allow me to free up the money needed for my new bike, but whatever, its stuff and things and that shit don't mean a thing anymore. It's a good day and I'm anxious to get to the gym and workout a little bit and then get some sauna afterwards and relax , then head home and enjoy the night ,a good dinner and another night of incredible conversations and I'm sure stupid laughs about something even more stupid, so bring it on T I'm ready for you and I'm ready to do or say something stupid to make u laugh at me....It's that kind of day where delirium has set in already

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