Thursday, October 14, 2010

Facelift for the Saurus

Got tired of the old look of my site so kinda mixed it up a bit, not really crazy about it but will keep it til i tire of that too! The day was really solidified by a good club sandwich form Friends Cafe at lunchtime. Going to Bally's after work kinda tired of the same people working out at the gym, especially a select few ladies that really just kill me as they want people to look at them , not really anything worth taking a second look at but i guees when you have no job and can workout all day with nothing to do but think  you look stunning ,Go for it. A friend of mine who hasn;t been to the gym asked me if that very same few still work out at lunchtime, "Yes they do" i replied, Oh well we all have our quirks, not for me to say anything negative about people trying to stay fit, as i seek out that fitness that I haven't had in 25 years, but as the knees get better the walks and run on the silverstrand beach are coming soon, thats how Gregasaurus really gets into shape is by running, and generally most people who are able to run can keep it off longer and have a better outlook on things and the euphoria that follows a good run is second only to orgasm I swear, but running is part of the reason for the degeneration of my knees and since they are fixably functional, its time. So as I head out for the last hour of thr workday i thank God for the job and the opportunities tat we have here, I'm happy that my family and friends are doing reasonably well and enjoy th einteraction here at work and at home...Good News all around

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