Thursday, October 28, 2010

Actually eating Lunch

Eating my Subway sandwich in the lunchroom and watching Some bullshit on ESPN are making a mockery of the lunchtime entertainmentthanks to Jeannette for going to Subway and getting my sandwich and for feeding my growling hunger . The rest of the day is somewhat quiet and yes,even quieter than the already morbid activity level in this office today. the boss is off today and we are essentiaLly left to run the office in a looser form than normal which by definitipn is a country club of office work. The 2 plus hour lunch is abused beyond belief and that is when the boss is in the office, seen half of my crew today  as they are taking advantage of that fact. So as the world turns ventured to septic Book and got the normal response to the fact that i do not vote,not registered to vote, the fact that ii choose not to vote is a much a ruight than to vote. the tired argument of "then u cannot complain is such fucking bullshit. by rights its the opposite in my eyes and i will leave it at that. tonight i venture to the ggym after work hoping to get a rejuvenated feeling after the gym  right now its dullsville and i cannot wait to get there and use this energy shortage for something. i can only hope that typing from my backberry doesnt leave too many typos and i really hate the spell check on this blog site but use it only on a pc . this damn keyboard is so small and i cant help it my my damn hands are so frickin big  but i utilize my lunchtimes when i eat to try to multi task  .my goodness i love to ramble and this morning first post really drained me emotionally and made me relive alot of mixed emotions. good days ahead and i can only say ,thanks for all that have forgiven me! i have finally forgiven myself

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