Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rest and Relax, Til morning comes!

Very Nice evening which consisted of eating a simple dinner of leftover Zitti Pasta and then baked some Vanilla Bean cupcakes and made the butter cream frosting for Terria's school tomorrow, very tasty  indeed. Watched a little of the Laker game and tried to be enthusiastic about 1 of 82 games which i the end mean nothing in the big picture. But the games must be played, Kobe is the best player in the game very clearly but not much of a human being I'm told, very ,very arrogant as is his wife and her family, go figure, Mexicans...lol Feeling really good and had a good ,not great workout after work meeting Terria and putting in nearly an hour of cardio and upper body tonight. Came home and had a simpe dinner and then decided against a new computer for now, don't need it and will save the money for something else, the motorcycle topic popped up again and I will wait for that as well as it is not the time to do anything fiscally yet. Understanding that our pay raises are in effect but still  wait for a better time. was on youtube tonight watching motorcycle racing and getting the terrible itch to put a leg over a new 1000cc Japanese rocket real soon! Tomorrow should be a good day at work with a few fires burning but nothing too serious. Really looking forward to seeing Nevarez on Sunday, celebrating his birthday a week late, baking him a cake and got him a gift that we know he will like. The Saint ,As he calls Terria truly likes Robert Nevarez as he is a god man with very high values and a true friend that I should have never gone 25 years without staying in contact. Sad but true but we will always be tight from here on out! Other than Sunday the weekend is a free day to really go with the flow of the day and hopefully the weather cooperates with us and brings us a little warmth. Well time for a quick shower then to bed for another great night of sleep, yeah 5 hours is what I generally get but am god with that and truly never feel kike shit in the morning. The knee is still sore but will try to be patient with it and let the shorts do their thing, if not then I will schedule a scope of each knee and get the knees leaned out and get me back on the courts , be it tennis, basketball or whatever else I feel like doing. I'm out for the night and be back in the morning with many more words and ideas for the world to shake their heads at.  

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