Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sun is shining and the Birds are Poopin'

It's a great tuesday morning that started off incredibly well...The sun is shining and the birds are doing whatever it is birds do...poop i guess???? the girls were kind enough to make a McDonalds run for me and bring back some food for breakfast for the office(YUCK!), of course they will do anything to get out of the office and I don't mind asking them, good ol Peanut butter and Jelly kill me i swear! Well tonight we are headed to the mall to check out the new Macbook air and see if we want to invest in a safer more user friendly computer, might be a better tool to use for video when Braz goes to Afghanistan in April and Skype is always easy to use so we will see. Ok, here we go again, today is the day i plan on taking a day off from the gym, really I'm going to try to adhere to this statement but we always hear that and i am so tired of telling myself to take a day og just STFU already about it Greg. Ok, so the gauntlet has been thrown down and we will see if I can follow through with a simple act  of going with the grain for once???? I'm feeling better today, the minor stomach bug i had is gone and I'm a little stiff from my workout yesterday but truly need a day off to regenerate and recuperate. had an interesting dinner of a bowl of cereal, and a bowl of soup last night, then made popcorn so i assume that my gut is well again! Seems like i just got here and it's already 830 am , where the past hour and a half went i don t know but the rest of the day can do so as well and you will not hear any complaints from this side of the office. Glad to here that my mini co-worker sabrina is in escrow for a new home and she is really happy about that and like to see good stories for great people like her who work so hard and do what they are told show up to work everyday and do more than she is asked. my little sisters of the office angie and Sabrina, as well as the rest of the girls here who apparently think i'm the bomb too so it all works out well in the wash. I'm doing great and feeling really good today. the time cannot go fast enough so i can get to the real part of  my day that matter, Family Time! Good morning and Good Day

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