Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Contemplation and Determination

Nearing the last hour of the workday and I am at the stage where excitement checks in and then the anxiety of the day off from the Gym rears its head. As of right this second I am going to the gym for a good workout, otherwise I'd end up going later on in the evening and would rather just knock it out and be done with it. Tyhen we can head to the Apple store and look at the new Mac air laptop and see what thats all about. But damn me if i can't take a day off rom the frickin gym without feeling guilty about it all. I know we haven't even discussed pour dinner plans and really not in the mood to eat out tonight, even though ther eis a cheesecake factory in the Oaks Mall I'would really like to make something at home instead, tired of eating out ! We have the Rio Mesa Homecoming game to go to this Friday and that should be cool enough, not a real big fan of High School football, the game is so slow and generally played at a shitty level but might run into a few people i know, not all that interested in that either just going to support my School and to see my brother, the only real chance we get to see him is at the football games. Meeting Tim and April there so that should be cool enough. Other than that the week will progress without much fanfare and quietrly get us to the weekend which is a good thing. the peace and tranquility of being able to do or go wherever we want at any time is so damn appealing to me, and the fact that raising children is done and we can enjoy the adult years as we are still young and don't really see slowing down any time soon. So i will actually go to Bally's for a good workout and i will assure myself a needed day off one day this week for sure. Just feeling better as the day goes on and the energy level will build up into the the point of hitting my first machine at the gym. We will figure out a gameplan for dinner and we will enjoy the night with conversations and discussions of the day, night and the days that will soon follow us on the way to wherever we want or need to be. i can only hope that the health satys in tact and that we can grow older and appreciate the good things that cannot be bought at a store or ordered online, just the knowledge of each day and the thoughts of giving and receiving love unconditionally! I seek out not the answers to my problems, i seek out the wisdom to avoid the unecessary pitfalls that can be avoided! Til later on this evening whe I check in tonight with more or less something insignificant! lol

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