Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Night All

10 pm and Terria not feeling well, a Little feverish and really tired, So I'm left here to my own devices and doing a Little writing and contemplation for another good day tomorrow. Halfway through my online traffic school course , knocked out a chapter and a half tonight and the rest will be done at work tomorrow. Hoping the knees feel better tomorrow, but was able to get in a good workout tonight at Bally's with Terria. Good times and then came home and had a dinner prepared by Brandon and a good dinner it was, but very filling and still feeling like I ate 2 bricks and need to unload it before I hit the sheets. Terria is out and I am here solo writing to my hearts content,I hope she feels better in the morning, hate to see here feeling like crap.Have really nothing cooking for the weekend and that's ok  I guess, as I stated earlier we always figure something out if nothing at all which is fine too. Therapy Tomorrow night with Morales and should be an interesting session if we can come up with something interesting and fruitful to discuss, we shall see, otherwise he sends us home early since we are his last clients for the day. Will jot down some things, some of our conversations this week brought up some interesting subjects to table,now if I can only remember what they were, I'm losing my mind sometimes and lose sight at times since I rush the mind so much, slow down dude it's gonna be alright. My eyes are burning and I must be getting a little tired, rubbing my eyebals like I'm trying to take them out, ouch that hurt like a mother fucker!!1 Anyway,I'm getting really tired and feel the bed calling me in a second or two, I love to write and enjoy the feeling of  finishing off a thought and closing and publishing a thought that I call my own. God Bless everybody!!

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