Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nice Tranquil Sunday

very tranquil Sunday afternoon, went to the gym and the golf course already, Terria is making dinner in the crock pot and we are seeing Robert around 630 tonight! The day is going damn smooth not much to really add other than it is a beautiful day in Southern California, especially when I heard that the Ducks kicked the shit out of USC yesterday I am actually watching the replay right now on ESPN2 and it does me good to know that USC loses and Oregon wins...good day I tell you.It looks like Ty is moving back into the house with us, look forward to getting him back to normal and back up to speed on the rules of the Duran Household. Look forward to watching the world series game tonight, glad to see the Rangers pull their heads out of their asses finally. So I'm off to the showers now and will add more shit later on this evening ,look forward to seeing Robert later on, we made and decorated a cake for him and know he will be appreciative of the gifts we got him. The weekend has really flown by and another workweek awaits. On a side note, the Oregon ducks score before I could even finish this post damn they look impressive

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