Monday, October 25, 2010

Blah,Blah Fucking Blah

Here I go again , never have nothing to say I fricking swear to God. Got a text from Wifey and she is a s disinterested in the day as i am today. sitting at the front desk answering phones while everybody gets their lunch break, i take mine after 1230 usually and am generally gym bound, today may be a day off for me, the stomach is a little queasy still and need a day off , been about 3 weeks since i had one anyway. Going to Thousand Oaks Mall and the Apple store to look at the new Macbook Air laptops, don't really know how badly I want one or if it is something I need, I really don't but mac's are better for paying bills online and really are more less susceptible to virus and spyware so that would be the reason but no real need , but they are a great looking computer and i did love my old MAC that I had and sold a few years back to Brad. I am waiting til 1230 to get outta here for lunch, then i will decide when and if I am working out and or going to lunch??Either way this is the toughest decision I will make all day how cool is that. Well that and whether or not to drop a G down on a computer that I don't really need ? Oh well the day is more than halfway over and thats a good thing ! I'm trying to be positive about it all and really look at the big picture in my world and i have so much incredible goodness in my life. The biggest things are deciding whats for dinner or what to do for lunch, geezus H christobal thats a joke, so many people out of work or not having enough to eat and here I am all blessed and at peace with alot of my life. The parts that I have fucked up I have fixed, I am now looking for something else positive to grasp onto and make a difference somewhere ,somehow. But for today, Greg Duran ceases to try to save the world and just get me home at the end of the day. i hope all of my Friends, colleagues and associates are on top of the world .The view is nice from here..all ya'll mother fuckers should really check it all out ..LMFFAO

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