Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday is Quiet Tonight

Very quiet evening at the Duran Home, we made home made Cinnamon rolls and kicked it and enjoyed the TV room together. We passed on Karaoke with the girls tonight for whatever reason, haven't come up with one yet but stayed home instead, good decision on my part I think. Tomorrow is a free day which requires an agenda and something cool to do.I know we will hit the gym and then come home and eat something, or take a drive or something somewhere. The Day will hopefully bring us sunshine and a new ray of brightness. I need to mow the lawn and the dew and moisture has given me a couple of unwanted days off. I hit Golf bails today after the gym this morning and did well, had a nice conversation with one of the older dudes that hits and plays on base, so it was very productive. Then went to guitar center and bought me  a new set of Bongo Drums to bang out and release some tensions when needed. Always loving the drums and having had 2 drum sets of drums I bought the Bongos to allow me to get in touch wit my music by playing along the percussion beats of my favorite tunes. Still Little embarrassed t play in front of Terria i will defer to playing alone til i can get into a rift or a nice rhythm til then solo gigs for the Gregasaurus. Look forward to Sunday and then another great workweek and this Friday is another day off. I do go to the Orthopedic and hopefully get another shot in the other knee to assist me in the healing process. So all s well and I feel more blessed today, each day that passes takes me closer to enjoying more, and finding out more about me ,myself and all that involves my incredible life. No smoke screens, no wishing upon a star here , this is the reality that I have striven for my entire life and I am where I expect to be... On top of the mountain

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