Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Will Sunday Bring

A very quiet Saturday night finished watching the Giants beating my Phillies and now rot fr the Rangers to kick the shit out of them come next week! Pretty damn good dinner we made. Had some homemade chicken Pot pies and were delicious and finished up some chocolate truffles and a small piece of Strawberry cake left over from last night. Posted a few old classics from my past that i truly enjoy, watching season 7 of two and a half men on the tube with Terria and having a incredibly tranquil evening. Tomorrow brings Football, mowing the lawn and getting a haircut, Fuck the gym that Will wait til eveything else is done, yeah right, it will be the first thing I do I'm sure but I do have a full pate tomorrow with the chores and the good things smattered in between to complete the day. Don't kow who is playing on the tube tomorrow but I'm sure the Cowboys, or Giants ,Jets or Redskins are on, they are on all f the time and It fucking sucks. So whatever it brings I will get it done and be a fruitful Sunday and ready for another good workweek .So almost done with Saturday and need to relax a bit before bed and get ready for a Sunday with plans!!

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