Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vroom Fucking Vroom

I'm proud of myself, actually deviated from my normal routine, took the day off from the gym , went to lunch and had Panda  and then went to hit golf Balls on base, took an 1 1/2 hour lunch and said fuck it! I'm actually more tired than if I'd worked out , strange indeed. It's 230 as i write this and this is where the day drags mind numbingly slow from here on out. So this is where my mind runs rampant with stupidity and ridiculous thoughts of riding the Gixxer around Casitas again to show that fucking road that I'm not the dumbass i portrayed I was on Nov 22 2009, really I'm not. Yeah thats the kind of shit that goes through the mind when it has nothing to do so i write to occupy and give myself a boost of positivity and re-assurance. I can only smile and laugh at myself when i get into the  deep thoughts of where and when and what ifs scenarios? it really boggles my mind how i can be so many places in such a short period of time. I will be sitting there watching TV with Terria and she says,"what's going on in that mind of your" I am like"what are you talking about knowing full well I'm busted for over thought once again. too damn funny to know somebody who knows me so well that she can sometimes fill in the blanks for me. and truly there are so many blanks that run into the thought process of mine, some are really crazy and wild and others seem so unlike me. Last night I'm looking at motorcycle helmets on ebay, Rockstar and monster motorcycle helmets and then thought, WOW i don't even own a motorcycle, hell even looked at Harleys online today to pass the time but not there yet to ride at a casual pace, give me 10 years then its game on I'm sure. But yeah thinking about motorcycles all of the time and will have to pull the trigger here soon I'm guessing but we can leave this on the table for another time I'm sure. Losing a passion or something that matters to you is like losing a family member and i don't like that feeling, i know terria has no issues with me getting on a bike again but it's more about do i want the payments and cost of tires that i go through so quickly, riding a cruiser and riding at a casual pace are so different than riding  a high tech superbike at near it's limit is a costly assignment for sure, tires, gear, oil changes and specialty parts for the bike are not cheap, we aren't talking chrome accessories, we are talking about Brake lines, rotors, shocks, sticky tires, exhaust systems brake discs and a shitload of other things that cost money. I'm getting accustomed to taking trips and mini vacations and really love the time Terria and i spend, if I do get a bike it will cut into our time and our resources a little and i don't know if i want to sacrifice that just yet. It was so cool when Terria rode bikes side by side with me, She even had a few big bikes like mine, she is a good rider , just never wanted to go hard at it like I do, and I respect that, so we could get Harleys and ride casual but I've got too much game left in me and too much speed and scraping of bike parts and knees to be done yet. so this passion shall wait til we can thoroughly discuss the ramifications of the purchase and understand that this shall be a full disclosure no fears or reservations type thing. If i don't it will not diminish where I'm at, we don't always get what we want in life, if it can be bought i have it already but this goes a little deeper than buying something, this is more a mindset of reprocutions and the thoughts of many people worrying about another accident, which could happen, but never because of bad tires, trust me on that. There are so many other things that i love to do and do them well and will continue to enjoy those things. I've been spoiled for a long time now and realize that the old Greg would have been on a bike months ago but i do have to take into consideration the other issues and ramifications that are ever present. so life is what it continues to be, it's all good til i don't allow it to be good anymore. Don't see that happening ever but the days are still quiet around here and i know that i create my own noise and my own drama, and in the same breathe quiet it all down and solve my own shit1 Great day too much time on my hands and too many thoughts running through my brain, but not one of them a negative one trust me there!


  1. You wanna go FAST...GO FAST!!!
    Fuck Harleys...I'm just say'n!!!

  2. Do i know any other Way TLD???? No i do not, we shall work this through and i have decided on the BMW ,So i will save my pennies and do it right
