Wednesday, October 20, 2010

part 2 of Slow start

The day has progressed somewhat ,i went to the gym later than i wanted to worked out the lower body and then rode the bike for a few minutes to stretch it out a little. Then headed to the basketball court and shot basket for 30 minutes and felt good, still have the shot, the knees didn't feel so good today and a little stiffer than i like them to be, even after the injections. so i will give it another 2 weeks or so then go back in and schedule an appt to see about scoping both knees if they don't get better. but i will be patient and try to avoid the drastic measure by doing the initial steps first! Right now I'm doing an online traffic school for a ticket i got a couple months ago, of course I'm procrastinating it is due in 6 days and hopefully i can knock this out by Friday and be done with it all and clear the ticket from my record. The rest of the Day has me trying to do the traffic school, a little writing here and whatever work walks in the front door here at work. Then i will proceed to Bally's and meet Terria at the gym for my lower body workout and save Cardio for tomorrows gym visit. tomorrow we visit the therapist , been a month since we last saw him and don't really have anything pressing to talk about in regards to anything I feel or don't feel at this point but I will try to formulate some questions that may rewquire some detailed answers. Don't really know if terria has any pressing items to bring up, we do talk nightly and I kow she is stressed about her boys being all over the map, Ty emotionally and Braz and nikki geographically, Braz has it really rough right now, being young and dumb and married, hence the young and dumb and trying to start a new career in the Army and balancing an unbalanced young bride i feel will be more than he can handle at this juncture in his young life, too much ,too soon, too young to deal with without life skills and experiences to go back to and deal with issues. We as adults always have something to fall back upon to use as a guideline to fix and heal that which ails us all. Being young and having things happen for the first time is a bummer I'm sure but t that age they know everything and cannot be reached so you stop trying at a point and let them learn for themselves, i did it with Brandon and will do it with these boys as well . But the day is nearly over the weather is trying to clear up and shouldn't ever complain about the weather here as it shines for at least 335 days out of the year. Terria was just saying that we could never live in our dream city of Seattle with all of the rain and overcast, i kind of agree and could never leave socal for that bad weather, beautiful country and people ,but too much wetness! So I will go back and try to take more of my online class and get that shit finished. More later!

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