Thursday, October 14, 2010

"RIP" Anne Hansen

The weather out here is really dreary, kind of feel like I'm in Bremerton this morning. and just as i write this a Co worker just tells me that an old co-worker we worked with for 10 years passed away 2 days ago, our Friend Anne who was the most lovingest ,giving and caring person in the world has died. Comes as a shock since we were supposed to have lunch with her a few weeks ago and i missed it!We used to call her Momma cuz she was all of our moms in the office...WOW! I'm kinda stunned here and really used to love love her hugs every morning, she would always call me Bubba and so sweet and a real asset to whomever she touched... I'm pretty bummed and feel a sadness that really sucks right now. I know she was very spiritual and feels a peace right now, but we still feel sad for her and for us, her family and grandkids ,damn!!!!So today is a piece of crap already, and must get back into the positive mindset. Sorry to hear of my friends passing and knowing that her heart is no longer hurting as a result of her Husband treating her like shit for all of these years gives me solace in the to know that her pains are over and knowing what she went through with her mate gives me comfort in a sad way to know she won't have to putr up with his shit anymore!! Well today is a day of reflection and perspective for me I can see already. Ther life and the love we have is all fleeting and the term live each day as if it were your last is ringing in my ears today! "Get busy living, or get busy dying"

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