Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Funny But Stupid

So I get this text from Nevarez, he said you wanna hear something funny, I say sure do, he calls himself Sly Stallone and I laugh and wonder What the fuck is he talking about. I then head over to Facebook, of Septic book as I like to call it these days and read some funny shit about his daring attempt to be a superhero at his store the other day. so after i read the fact that he has a guy run into his store, steal 15 Kobe Jerseys and run and jump in his car, Rob then runs out and jumps on his car and starts to try to confront the dude and is on the guys car as the guy starts drivng away, Robert is ok ,calls the police and they eventually arrested the guy a couple hours later. I get back with nevarez and say "mother fucker what is wrong with you man"? You gave me shit and told me that you would kick my fuckin ass next time I ever pulled some stupid shit (referring to my infidelity) so I then said, you ever do that again I will kick your fucking ass ,now there , we are even on the ass kickings now. The day is going well, outside of Roberts stupidity and heroics, I'm calling  Him Frank Stallone ,Sylvesters bad singer brother instead, so we both got a laugh out of it. I went to the gym at lunchtime, then went and hit some Golf Balls in the wind , it was actually good practice to hit into the wind and try to shape the shot low and into the wind. Other than that feel pretty good, the gym was a short 30 minute leg and stomach workout with medium to low intensity, keeping in mind that day off I am supposed to take. Came back to the office and warmed me up some leftover pasta that Terria made and packed for me ,Delcious the 3rd day sweetie! thanks again !!! Tonight we really will try to find something cool to do tiogether, turkey burgers and and sweet potato friend for dinner sound pretty good, I' looking to maybe get some frozen yogurt tonight or something similar, not Ice cream ,I am so lactose intolerant these day and can barely wolf down a bowl of cereal anymore...fucking old age, not really old, but things that i could devour I can no longer, it is the body's way of saying I'm not 22 anymore, which is ok by me because i was a no woman havin broke mother fuck at 22 and had no clue what life was all about. So i will deal will the age and reading the paper 18"away from my  face at arms length, I enjoy the freedoms to come and go with T and i and to whatever we truly want to do, like having money in my pocket and my girl there with me to spendit, well trying to be more pennywise to save for the good things and will try to stay away from a Motorcycle shop ..try i dsaid ,everybody has their kryptonite, Motorcycles and white woman are my weakness,did i really say white woman? dumbass. oh yeah, chocolate too. So its after 3 and i have another hour to go before i head home , i am sure i will have more to say later on this evening , heres to all! have a great Fucking day would ya already  

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