Wednesday, October 13, 2010

State of the Saurus report

Every now and then I get a good chuckle at somebody Else's expense, sometimes a little too funny but it's all in a days purpose i spose! The facts and fiction of the worlds perception amazes me to no end, I enjoy listening and reading and making some snap judgments on things that truly make me chuckle.Finding out that Obama and Palin are distant relations fucking kills me. The fact that so much is possible and usually happens. As i stated yesterday i feel a new warmth in my heart and am totally into where I'm at these days, emotionally ,spiritually  and personally on a different plain it seems. i don't really rant and rave too much anymore, that would indicate an unhappiness,which does not exist at all , yet I will point out somebody's ridiculous stupidity if warranted, but more so these days it's not about healing anymore ,it's more about thriving in my successes and goodness that surrounds me, i could go on forever about how wonderful Terria is and sometimes do, but more than that, I show her, I tell her and she is the most incredible human being I' have ever come across, her , April and Susan Duran are the three most vital people in my life as they are the positives that give my life true meaning by their examples and their ways that they live their lives. Reaching that emotional crossroads in my life i always wonder how am i so blessed and why does everything good happen to Greg with little or no efforts, it amazes me to think that around every corner comes a new and wonderful new beginning to something. Yes I am spoiled and truly appreciate the goodness that i receive on a daily effort, I can only hope that that effort is given by me back to those who give so much. My personality and awareness don't always allow myself to see the good that i bring ,or do for and to peoples lives, yet they say I do so therefore I guess I am a good person. But regardless of whether or not I'm trying to suck my own dick here I can say that i try to be a good person and positive influence to everybody that comes across my plain but yet always feel like those around me do it so much better than i do? who knows????? Whatever the case may be i love my Life to no end regardless of where I've been and where I will be

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