Monday, October 25, 2010

Communication never Let's me Down

 great evening, never made it to thousand oaks to the Apple store afterall. Just kicking back and doing very little my wife and I just finished watching 2 1/2 men on Monday night , watched a little of the Football game and thoroughly enjoyed the time together, made popcorn and enjoyed it together ! I thin tomorrow could actually give me a day off from the gym, I did make it to the gym at lunchtime for the lack of anything better to do I decided to go and make it another day and possibly take tomorrow of, may end up going tomorrow as well but its not that big  of a deal either way. THe legs are cramping a Little tonight did my leg workout and then shot some hops at lunchtime. Amazingly enough I have not lost my shot at all, really feel good about my jumpshot and my 80 plus percent free throw percentage makes me feel god. Weird how although older and beaten up a bit my athleticism has not gone away, hoping to get the knees in shape and start playing Tennis and shooting more hoop, baseball and all of the other things that I used to enjoy on a daily basis. The motorcycle thing has take a back burner for now as I hope to get some things squared away with Erwin and a few other things that should be materializing here soon! I really enjoy the writing aspect of my sites and really look forward to the questions that Terria gives me afterwards, knowing that she reads my shit regularly and gives me insight as to what I eel and how i can deal with the things I so very often over analyze. As she said, I could never truly dumb myself down and never be that simple person, but there is a happy medium I know and dumbing down is not even an option, but keeping it  simpler is not a bad thing I know this and seek this out. But where do i stop, how do I achieve that and stop the suppression of the emotional aspect of dealing and accepting . Maybe I could lighten up on the writing here and soften it up a little but I try and it always jumps in to the depths of my cranium and the braniac that I am oooozzes out and voila', out comes the egghead and the shit starts all over again. I do use the Twitter for just plain shit talking , kind of how i used to use Facebook, more of a Joke to me and FB is truly what I've always called a septic tank for alot of bad things to happen, te preoccupation with the nonsensical makes it all like some bad TMZ program of useless nonsense and banter that means nothing, gets nothing done and accomplishes nothing. I can post pictures and tell about the family here and on Text messages and those who know about this site can access it and know where the Gregasaurus is at in his life. Bet by reading my verbosity probably think that the Saurus is outta his mind, albeit not too far from the truth I am a little out there and understand I beat to my own Bongo drums and actually enjoy being that guy, the guy with no filter and the guy who makes people shake their heads in disbelief with some of the crap that comes out of my mouth. It's 1015 need another shower not feeling as fresh as  should be  before bed but am weird about m showers and cleanliness anyway, the guy who took six showers while camping one summer and got laughed at, i said fuck off all you stinky mother fuckers then and I do so now LMAO! Man I know that writing and my blogs have given me an incredible avenue to thoroughly examine the complex world of the Greg dude and I am really proud of the ability to  express myself through this avenue. I love to on occation open  the box of journals i have in my garage and thumbing through a page or two and re visiting eras that were shapers of the good and bad of  writing down in  a journal are lost to me, but I still look back and can remember a poem to Tracy, an angry rebuttal to Gina or the lost idea that people were supposed to appreciate my goodness, i wrote it all down and for me this is some scared shit, maybe my opinion of myself is too high, or maybe the bar I set was raised to damn high, or at times too damn low. Life has a way of allowing me to grow up and mediate and regulate where I have ventured and where i plan on going. I do enjoy the fact that Terria s enthralled with my writing and my opinions on shit, As am I for what she thinks ,feels and breathes. I can only hope that my open view of things does not frighten or dissuade her to know that I am always trying to analyze and over do shit, she says so and i understand when Its time for me to shut it down a bit and come back down and be a regular dude every now and then. so as I ready for that shower and the night comes to a close. I am so happy to be in a place where expression is encouraged and at times glorified as the communicating tool that iit is intended to be! It was a good night and I d la n having an incredible eve and morning to follow. Keep writing and keep thinking ,not so deep and not so much but never stop beig the pain in the ass you have always been . So I bid your ass a damn good night!now time to spell check! Phuck


  1. "I can only hope that my open view of things does not frighten or dissuade her to know that I am always trying to analyze and over do shit"
    This is how you've been for the 25+ years I've known you...I don't frighten that easy...makes you, YOU!!!

    Be true to yourself & make it a GREAT day!!!
