Friday, October 22, 2010

My Friday

Friday morning is here and I have very little energy or desire to get out amongst the living this fine day. Terria is home sick today so I will make sure she is ok then head to the gym .Depending on the weather will head to the base and hit some Golf Balls and grab a bite somewhere. Still alittle overcast out but not raining as of yet, we shall see what the day and my attitude brings for the day. First line of attack is assuruing that Terria is ok and then I will head off to the Gym for an upper Body wokout, will sit in the jacuzzi for a bit and grab some heat in the sauna. Then shower and head to the base to hit golf balls ,then shoot hops at the base after golf balls. Tonight has no lans as of yet, dependig on what Terria feels like will determine what we do if anything so not a issue either way I'm flexible and willing to do ,or not anything that we decide upon. Gonna go check in o Terria now and then decide whether to head out to the gym and do the rest of my day.

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