Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How real Do I feel

Am I the problem or the cause
Do i Add to your troubles
Or confuse your coping skills
with the depths of my indifference

When the walls come down
I feel naked and bare
when the hallway are narrow
why do I stop to stare

In this disbelief I see the shadows
The star crossed past
and my daily suppression
Where cars go fast and meds for depression

I have thought aloud about
Where I have come from and how
The pettiness we call issues
are the things that break us down

my visions of grandeur
are sights within my reach
my fingertips on the prize
and my learning curve I teach

I seek out my tranquility
and It well within sight
the hand i hold every day
and the body i love every night

Today brings much solace
a peacefulness that I'm thankful for
I grab my daily dose of reality
and walk on through my open doors

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