Friday, October 29, 2010

Just Sharing a little Goodness

Thanks again Terria for conversation part 2 last night and it went really well as usual, just able to unload some of my personal frustrations is so key to me. Man I am so  tired of feeling like I have to relive shit over and over again, but with My motorcycle accident coming up on it's one year anniversary it makes me think a bit and makes me truly appreciate alot of things that much more. The conversation was really nice, we had a great evening of hanging out and talking about the writings that i do and how much it means to me to express myself via my site . Yesterday brought me many good things, met my brother to drop off the mask for Halloween i bought on ebay for him, he is an amazing brother and human being, always so positive and calm and never see anything bad in anybody , unless you are a dirt bag than he is very much like me and will unload his disgust! We had some really good conversation pieces and he talked about the World series and Baseball in general, he is very old school when it comes to Baseball and respect's the game so very much and voices his displeasure when he see professionals play with less than full enthusiasm and effort. Very funny as he gets older, always been the proper and PC guy and really not so much anymore just loosening up and flowing free these days, very nice to see. He even wants to go back to Spring training this next as we had such a good time and should make it a yearly ritual, Nevarez wanted to go as well so maybe we can all go, Tim, Brandon ,Rich , Robert and myself would be a great trip of enjoying MLB Baseball at it's finest. so at work this morning and really have little to do, have a Homecoming Football game at thew High school to attend and a Halloween Party afterwards, should be a great evening with Terria ,Tim and April together getting into mischief some way or another. Getting colder here at nights and 50 degrees is a cold front for us wimpy Southern Californians . no clod, no snow and the occasional rain shower and we get all butt hurt about that crap. But anyway, the day will fly by , not really planning on a gym trip today, we will see about that I'm sure as the day progresses! The weekend will bring me nothing til Sunday , when Robert comes into town , I'm baking him a cake and Terria will decorate it in her style and flair that she always does and  she bought hime a really nice Yankee cup set for hot or cold drinks that he will love. I progress on this day and in this life with many things on my mind, the past and present will always mesh themselves together, the mistakes and sidesteps I have made will forever make me stronger and the uncertainty that stands in front of me will keep me grounded in knowing that i am not as smart as I think, i do not know everything that I thought i did and the person I am, needs much tweaking and realization that the world i live in is my to prosper in or to crumble underneath. My words and diatribe here on my sites have been a Godsend to a man who has everything he ever needed and everything he ever wanted, being blessed with so many, and so much stuff, things ,possessions and other crap that never matters in the grand scheme of things. i like my shit, i love my hobbies and I want what i want, keeping those wants into perspective is my main goal, for now being happy and blessed is the most important thing I own and it doesn't cost anything but the time and efforts put forth to make it all happen! I wish the world of blogosphere good health, good luck and Good times ahead!

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