Friday, October 15, 2010

Sore and Tired, but it is Friday

The evening went swimmingly well last night, we went to the gym and then headed home for a quick dinner and a lounging in the TV room! Ty and Mandy Came over and we bullshitted with them for awhile, that boy aint right I swear, but a good kid and makes me shake my head at times. The gym was an ass kicker , lotsa cardio and leg workout, got home ,made dinner and the legs were very tight, so much so that they started to lock up on me and cramp up badly!I tried to go to bed but they were too tight. Thanks to Terria and her magic hands she lotioned me up and worked out the kinks for over 45 minutes, amazingly the problem was essentially gone and was able to work out the lactic acid in my big ass legs and feel better instantly, thanks So much Sweetie! that was awesome. Yepp Yepp it's so hard for me to allow her to do things like  that for me but i am trying nad it did take her 3 times asking , finally she just got her lotion and went to work on my tired legs and seems so amzing to me that it is so easy for me to do and to give to her but don't always easily allow her to give back. Therapy has brought me to a better understanding of the whole process, i am deserving and worthy and must allow my wife to give back to me and not diminish who she is as a loving , giving wife . Today brings a good friday , planning on going to see Despicable Me again , taking Kristen and Joshua perhaps if they wanna go, tha damn Movie Isn't coming out til Dec. 14, i can't wait that long so we're going again"it's so Fluffy I'm gonna die" Damn  my Agnes is the cutes unreal character I've ever seen. Like all of the babies around this office , my co-workers and friends have some of the most adorable babies that i get to see coinstantly...i love Babies, as long as they are somebody else's  lol!1 Have a great weekend and I'm 60% sure of going to Karaoke at the China whateer the hells it called place in Ventura ,Me and T and apparently Debbie and Stacy , Bobbi i think, and a few others and we shall see if we go or not. But a weekend is a weekend and not havig anything on the docket is an ok thing too. Happy Friday!

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