Sunday, October 24, 2010

Busy Busy Sunday

Sunday morning started out with a blast and then go going into the day where it always starts, the gym then we headed downtown for a good breakfast at BG's cafe in the Nard, had a real tasty breakfast and then headed homeward bound to the task o a 12" Yard that needed cutting drastically. The mower struggled through the tough high green grass but managed to get it all cut, Terria was so nice to head out and help me with the edger , did some weeding and got the yard all pretty again.  Came inside and showered and got all smelly good and shit and then hung around a bit and then decided to get the needed haircut at Supercuts! We then went for some groceries and bought he necessities for the night and the next few days so knocked that all out and now am home in my chair in the Tv room waiting to watch something good on the tube tonight, a Little burned out on Favre and the Cowboys, what a dogshit game this will be, the same goddamn teams every week on TV, the Redskins, Eagles,Cowboys, Steelers, Vikings, good God show something else Fuck!!!Cannot wait til the new ranking for college football, should be Oregon #1 and Boise State#2 and I really hope that they can play in the championship game for all of the marbles. Be a damn good game don't know who i would root for since i love both programs and their head coaches. Good Job, unlike SC and their group of!!! Spent allday with Terria doing a little of this and alot of that and that's what it's all about, doing things whatever they be always together and always communicating the goodness that we share. So it was another great Sunday afternoon with plenty of Sunday left, the day started off in bright sunshine and now looks like a rainstorm where that came from, but it's whatever it is at this point I can't control that shit so no worries on my part, Don't know what I will do for the next couple hours, no Basball til Wednesday where the Rangers are going to kick the Dog piss out of the Fucking Giants. So Tomorrows back to work and I will get into my groove of work, Gym ,home , love and happiness and all good in the household of The Saurus. Weird but I actually look forward to the workweek, makes the weekends and time off that much more enjoyable and real to me and justifies the fact that nothing comes without work and efforts, shit doesn't work itself out or fix itself or nothing is ever handed to you that truly matters. So I am loving the hard work and the dividends that it always pays me back. No wishing on a star  just reeling in the realities that I have afforded myself in the life that I thoroughly enjoy. Good Mother fucking Times I Tell Ya!!!

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