Saturday, October 9, 2010

Driving and Communicating

we got a late start to vegas this morning because had to get my workout in and did so very nicely.  had a great workout came home a showered and then hit the road. Stopped in Lancaater to eat at our favorite breakfast house Crazy Ottos where u can feed 3 with one meal. On the road towards vegas and not really enjoying the road too much but having a great conversation about music with Brandon and enjoying good music on satellite radio. Should reach vegas in 3 more hours or so and we shoukd reach the Sahara around check in time and then rest up and hit up the show at the venetian. Hoping to get to the world class bakeries in town to get more ideas of our own and to dabble alittle in some sugary goodness. When in Rome I guess. Really happy thatwwe are able to see the show and take this trip with the wife and oldest boy Brandon. driving through mojave and the abandoned town that resides within the sleepy desolation. but we shall enjoy the trip and the conversations along the way with the ones love  missing Braz and Ty today and have come to grips with kids growing up and doing their own thing,but it never becomes any easier.  so   we enjoy the time we have with themaand cherish thise times for sure.  another great day to be alive and doing well

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