Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Part 2

I'm find myself laughing at myself today, feeling like a spoiled kid in a candy store ,the bag is full and I still expect more in my bag of lucky goodness. It's raining outside and i feel cheated, even though I'm in the office til noon, at which time I free myself from the prison i call the office to lock myself into another prison i call the gym. So as i laugh at myself for wanting to be out in a world of rain which i can't even see or get to I just laugh at ME! The world outside seems so damn far away at times , yet it is where I strive to be when I cannot be there and finding something to piss and moan about seems fruitless since i trapped inside anyways rain or shine. Back to reality and the day which is a more than quiet tranquil with nothing happening and the biggest oart of the day is waiting for the 12 pm clock to strike and then sending me to the gym for a good workout and a nice time of physicality and great music in my ears, this is key for a good day. As i traverse through the holding pattern we call Monday morning I can only imagine what being snowed in feels like, ,bad weather , can't drive anywhere and the depression must be maddening to live in those types of regions. getting a call from a customer in Chicago area and the cold and snow pending soon cannot wait to visit Southern California and the sunny days and non snow filled streets, I am so damn blessed to be able to piss and moan about a rainy day and then turn and laugh at how ridiculous i am in the big picture of it all...too damn funny. So we need rain and we need sunshine and we get such an imbalance of great weather versus bad it's a little stupid at time. Yes we pay for the good weather with higher priced everything but it is so worth it to me to be close to everything and not have to shovel my ass out from my own driveway. Today is another good day just a little wet outside and that should not have a bearing on my day a t all, so I won't let it anymore. 30 more minutes than a gym tour and then back to the grind of waiting til 4:30 to head home and ready to do it all over again the tomorrow. just hitting the Lightswitch and making it all better, Good Fucking times!

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