Monday, October 4, 2010

Wet Monday

Wake up a little late this morning and noticed its raining in sunny So Cal.WTF is this all about. Had a damn hard time getting up and getting ready today. Remebered on the way had to put gas and stop by the post office and mail letters, done and done. So i get to my office at 730, 30 minutes after the prescribed time to arrive LMAO!!! Must be nice to have the Govt. job of hurry up and wait. Today is a Monday that really kind of freaks me out,Terria and Brandon and i essentially all left the house at the same time this morning and that never happens, its raining , that too never happens so I'm wondering what today will bring in the grand scheme of things? We did have a great quiet weekend and I was able to hit Golf balls for the first time in a month, felt great and the knee was fine with it all. Saturday was actually a busy day for me , after my gym visit , went to hit golf balls and then came home to mow the lawn and the hosed down the patio and patio furniture. After which i went to get a haircut and by the time i look up its almost 7 pm and now I'm trying to find something to do to occupy the rest of my action filled day and evening. Oh well it was a great time and Robert came by on Sunday for a few hours of good food and some serious laughs at each others expense, it is always good to spend time with Nevarez, he is a true friend who i am so glad has re-emerged into our lives i such a fun and positive way. So all in all it was a relaxing ,yet productive weekend for me and am hoping for another great workweek, being a short week for me i am preparing for a quick trip to Vegas to watch a play and then come on back, not a big fan of Vegas, drinking and Gambling are not my favorite pastimes but if a show or music are playing then i will travel to see it, whatever IT is . So today brings more hope and a better view of whats going on in the world, kinda liking what i see these days !

1 comment:

  1. Hai, how are you today? it's nice back again read your blog post.

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