Monday, October 4, 2010

Good Day!

Feel Great after an invigorating workout and had a simple Bologna sandwich for lunch, too lazy to drive into town and get a real lunch so made do with what we had in the work refrigerator, so Bologna it was today! After Texting Terria as to what she wanted to do for dinner, she simply said leftovers, i'm not sure I'm buying into that as i feel for a really good healthy dinner somewhere, something nice and unique and yet healthy enough to not make me feel guilty or feel like shit physically after consuming it all. Who knows, Monday night and 2 1/2 men are on at 9 tonight so I will watch that and until then and after that will probably write more. Watched the absolute worst Football game ever with the Giants last night, goddamn that was shitty. My college teams did well,UCLA, Oregon and Washington all won, Especially Washington beating USC was so damn cool, and The Ducks kicked the shit out of Stanford and my Rams beat that Pussy Pete Carrolls Seahawks, goodtimes!!! Have no idea who plays on MNF tonight and probably wont watch it but we shall see. Nice to have the door open with options, Terria will probably fly solo to the gym tonight unless i get a bolt of energy to go a second time but that's a way off from making that decision. The rains still drizzle doewn, nothing serious but just enough to make things messy and southern california drivers even worse than they already are. 2 more hours and this work day will be in the books. An easy day so far and almost over to boot, more later as it comes to me!

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