Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being Greg?????

Feeling pretty good about the day today, it's still raining out and kind of enjoying the cleanliness of the rain and feeling a little better about it this fine day. Was asked by one of my girls to make tortillas and chorizo this morning so i did, the girls love when I cook for them and i love doing so because I can I suppose and they treat me like a golden child here anyway and make me feel really special on a daily basis. Today is my boy Braz's !9th birthday and feels weird not having him around to celebrate and bake him his cake and take him to sushi as we always did but we know part of the growing process is to let them go and spread their wings and fly solo so they can live and learn as we have as grown adults, experiencing life's pitfalls and triumphs and prospering in the efforts to do so. Yes it is different without him around and without Ty in the house as the constant reminder of how needy young kids can be at times. I am in a funny place these days as the therapy goes swimmingly well and digging deeper than i ever have before to find out some things about me and my personality that will help me in my life from here on out. all mistakes aside and all the drama aside the therapy is for me as a person to truly find out how this complex mind works and gets myself into trouble. Talking to Terria about my inner depths of thinking too much and actually apologized for being the deep seeded person that I have been. She tells me to never apologize for being Greg, u are complex and she likes and loves that about me , the deepness of my soul and caring ways don't always have the set screw to regulate, its on or off for me and this is what I'm trying to find through self introspection and therapy is the fine tuning of Greg. To hear Terria tell me don't apologize for being a deep thinking person, thats an n attribute and a gift that i have ,according to her, utilize it and be yourself. Simple is fine if that's what you have to work with she says ,but you don't so so go dumbing down just to fit in , which is something you have never done  and beating to your own drum is the key to Greg being Greg. The regulation part is where we are working on today. My positive mindset and surrounding myself with all of the good things in life are so very important, good people and a  lifestyle that is healthy and not self sabotaging mentally or physically is where I'm at today. This Blog I write on is very instrumental in my healing and journaling my emotions and feelings are  very important to me seeing and feeling where I'm at emotionally, spiritually and personally in all aspects of my life. Thanking Terria for the conversation we had last night and allowing me to be me and be myself in regards to my mannerisms of deep thoughts and sometimes over thoughts is refreshing to be appreciated for who and what i am, a deep , complex and spirited person with so much love to give and so many good thoughts of hope and goodness around the next corner, none of which could ever be replaced with something bought , stolen or rented but something that we work our entire lifetime to fulfill, a love, an equal and the means in which to enjoy them all together with the ones we all is precious therefore i protect it all to the hilt. Life is very simple, but my complex mind allows me to keep it that way and the thoughts of the good and the bad are ever -present with me, keeping it real and keeping it fresh and no surprises for this man of so many thoughts and plans so there is a method to my madness and all of my angels on my shoulder get to fight it out with me and make it all right.Good Times for sure!

1 comment:

  1. the rains does fall outside my door
    I see the clouds and wish for more
    Saturation and absorption overtake this day
    when the wind blows I can hear you say

    Don't be too harsh upon yourself
    let it all go and heal myself
    with constant work and tools in my belt
    the task is easy the job itself

    accept and receptive to a man
    knowledge is king and I find my throne
    to hope and never feel alone
    clearing conscience and an open mind
