Friday, October 1, 2010

Life's Appreciation!

Sending out so much appreciation for the things that I love and adore, and am finally beginning to understand the roots of all of their existence. I' have been thrust into a position in this life to be heard and noticed and to care and explore and to really put my heart and thoughts into things. Each and every time i sway away from who i am capable of there is an Angel on my shoulder, actually many Angels on my back watching over Greg and making sure that I am headed straight and in the proper lane to overtake life's challenges. Here Recently and looking back i see the liefs creative and amazing twists and turns in life that are now so much more evident to me. I have my friends from the crew that always check in and share their goodness with me and my friend Oscar who's wife is battling Breast cancer and fighting the fight, looking good though, then his brother Erwin who's step daughter is dying from a rare form of cancer as well, very sad but a real part of what we do in this life. My Friend Mona from High school is also finishing up radiation from breast Cancer and is doing better. these things helped my put my issues in their proper place and perspective, to open up my compassionate side and let the selfish side of Greg Duran go away forever and be more adept at being there for others. My trip to North Carolina last week was an amazing example of unconditional unequivocated love for a family and a special needs child where there are no parallels of that Love that i witnessed. Good people seem to gravitate into my life. Thanks to Ruth for being supportive of our life and my wife during our sons deployment and our recent fall away from each other ,Honest hard working loving and kind people are my companions and God loving real people have graced this man of 47 years with nothing but the best of everything and now have the Graces to accept it all and appreciate my gifts from god as they truly are gifts. i am not a bible thumping , bible scripture spewing man, but a true Christian who believes in the Golden Rule in life and to care for others as well as yourself, i believe now that my role and my opinions in peoples lives around were a derivative of Gods great hand to allow me the chance to make mistakes and to learn and st share my lessons with others, for this i am truly indebted to God and to my family for being the constant support system that they always are and will continue to be. My incredible sister April who guided me to being the man I am today, the calming hand and the graciousness of putting others first before herself makes her the most incredible person to so many. My brother Richard who has always stood back in the distance but his heart and soul and life examples are always a heartbeat away and his Susan and the angel collector that i have become , she is amongst them all. LIL sister Linda is a strange one to pinpoint for me, the extreme bible thumper which I can never truly get behind to that extent, doesn't mean i don't believe as much or like she does just means i don't want or need to audience to see and hear my praises for God and all that God does for all of us. Walking the Walk does not mean to me, you have to talk about it too much is all. I love Linda and one day we will come to a part in our loves where the influences in her life are more realistic and less commanding of her attention to the degree in which it has turned. My last Gem of goodness is always and has always been Terria. No longer feeling the need to apologize for putting her and the boys through turmoil,i now reflect upon my misgivings and see how they have all been replaced with greatness and giving me a new life of awareness and serenity like I've never had before....ever! My spiritual and personal needs have been fulfilled and by far have exceeded where i thought i ever could reach! I am in fact the happiest I've ever been and thanks to Terria for being the piece of the puzzle that was always there I just didn't see it as i became complacent in her goodness and really tried to sabotage my own happiness by being ridiculous and self destructive. So thank you my love for showing me that mistakes can be made , better ways of doing things can be learned and the life of ours will take us wherever we want to go... next stop Bronx Tale so looking forward to that my love , we will have a blast, cannot wait ,one more week Yessssss. i am bless and thank God for rescuing my soul and delivering me back into your arms where everyday is Christmas and valentines day, always has been and always will be! To good health and good times and positive thoughts and giving of ourselves to each other and all that matter in this life! I love ,I Hold , I care, these attributes are my best friend and my biggest adversary at the same time, Terria and my God help me to decipher and conquer them all with love and style that my life has given me today

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when i read i do not comprehend
    Lifes book has no beginning or end
    living in the moment and not yesterday
    I fly the skies in hopes to stay

    in this life and in this game
    other fences are never the same
    the grass is green and always high
    gambling greatness on that one try

    So here I live and breathe today
    so much left to do and say
    A renewed vigor and a sense of worth
    emotions,feeling starting to unearth

    tools and knowledge to make me smile
    starting over and running that extra mile
    knowledge is amazing and knowing when
    not knowing i did'nt know was my biggest sin
