Friday, October 1, 2010

Good News at Orthopedic

Went for my initial meeting with my Orthopedic Dr. O'Halloran yesterday and went well. The Dr felt around and asked all of the questions, prodded and poked ,jerked and wrenched and finally found the sweet spot, same spot on both knees. He then sent me back for X-rays and brought me back in.Showing me the wear areas and what he was going to do. He pointed out the bone spurs in my knee and the uneven wear in both arthritic knees. He shot one up with synthetic cortisone and the other will heal on its on he thinks, what happened here recently is the bone spurs on my knee cap snagged a ligament and made the loud popping sound and thus the inflammation and the seemingly worse feel and sound than i had thought, as the days have gone by it has gotten better and is sore and a little inflamed but nothing showed up to indicate anything serious, an MRI was not really needed and if the pain continued he would scope both of them and clean them up, a 45 minute procedure that would have me back at the gym the next day rehabbing it. So essentially the knees are dry, they need WD-40 as he put it and the synthetic cortisone was the agent for the job! I go back in 2 weeks and if things aren't better than he will go to step 2 which is either a new lubricant which consists of Roosters comb, yes Rooster thing on top of their head is the new amazing gimmick which apparently has had some great results, after which I'd say in a month or so i will know whether or not to have the knees scoped, which might not be a bad thing to do anyway but am looking forward to a more simple process than originally thought to be. I walk away very happy and no long recovery just worst case scenario 6 tiny holes and a smiling Saurus! Yesssssssss

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