Friday, October 1, 2010

Just another Day

WOW! did the gym just kick my ass, then to boot after the shower and changing i spray cologne in my eye, burned like a mother fucker but whats a dumbass to when you can't even figure out the directional of a spray bottle, and I'm supposed to be the fucking intelligent person and yet the simplistic things have kicked my ass!! Get to office and start reading my book a little, Morales was right on here and i am glad i started this book. Turning life's experiences be it good or bad into a repeated or diminished existence, really cool stuff that makes anything possible and visualization is used throughout the world of sports, by seeing it before it happens and playing the scenario in your mind, then following that vision as if you've done it already.Really works well with golf and other thing as well. so I'm enjoying that and some funny internet shit same old stuff just time wasters is all. Tonight brings us to going to Ty's football game and then dinner with Tim and Ape afterwards,should be nice tonight at Larrabee Stadium Ventura high. Not much really going on just still keeping it cerebral and truthfully real and understanding that I don't know everything and don't really need to. So i take each day as it comes and really enjoy some of the challenges that are thrown my way, nothing really going on at work just a new set of days and a mindset that I am blessed to be in such a good job and work with such a great set of people. Home is still home a great place to be and the boys are all doing their own thing and really feels good to be in such a place. I just enjoy the tranquility of living as Greg and truly enjoy the life that I live and now move ahead to a hopefully fruitful weekend of family and friends! Saturday i will try to hit golf Balls for the first time in nearly a month and then entertain some folks at the house for a Sunday BBQ. After my shot in the knee yesterday i was able to jog a little pain free at the gym today, granted only a couple of times up and back at the Basketball court but haven't been able to run on my right knee for 5 years, how i can workout and do that shit I guess the pictures of my knee yesterday explained that but seems odd to me that i can lift a house but can't jog on my own body weight, guess I'm bigger than the aforementioned house. I'm very excited about the Dr. visit and the prognosis is a great one with very little down time if any so for that I'm pretty damn happy. have a couple more trips with T to make and we should be doing Bronx Tale next weekend and then a couple of Arizona Cardinal Football games in Phoenix and maybe either the bay area or San Diego. Next year we plan on doing Washington DC and New york city, maybe a trip to Hawaii to visit our son Braz when he gets back from Afghanistan around this time next year or later. So things are looking good just a matter of making the time and planning for the trips. i do plan on buying a new Crotch Rocket soonish, don't know when exactly that will happen but i miss the speed and talent that i have doing it, more track days and less fast stuff in the mountains, but fast enough to make it worth it, i will leave to near the limit stuff for the track where there are no cars or mountains or ditches to run into.Terriaunderstands this is my passion and told me to go ahead and do it 3-4 months ago but i wasn't ready. after borrowing my friend Shawn's bikes last week in North Carolina it hit me hard and i rode harder and faster than I wanted to but instincts took over and i was hooked and addicted here we go again and I'm loving it. I ran into the guy who found me after i crashed here at work the other day and he asked me when was going to get a bike again, soon i said , he suggested i get a Harley and I politely told him, can't do it yet man , still got speed and exuberance left in me, not ready to ride a big bike slow yet, but they sure are pretty to look at and I'm not much for polishing my bikes so Harleys are for young guys with Identity complexs, or guys who are a little older and want to enjoy the ride and the scenery and like to ride passengers,I'm neither yet but one day I will slow it down a bit and enjoy a big bike and the scenery but too young in the mind and soul for that today. here's looking for a great weekend and an even better tomorrow! Good fucking Times I tell ya. I'm gonna go fuck with Facebook people now but that's even getting to be like slugging an old lady in the eye-socket watching her eyeball bleed...not cool and rather boring to do so. goddamit I'm a sick fuck

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