Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Feeling a little musically inclined this morning so i shared some old faves of mine with the crew and the internet I guess. On the way to work had the ipod going and some songs came on that really made me appreciate my music collection and how much i appreciate good live music. There is nothing more invigorating than a good workout to the right music mix and or just sitting around the house with a good song blaring in your ears or across the room. Music is what makes me feel different sometimes, it not only makes me feel like writing and sharing my gifts of Love ,caring and knowledge but to explore other areas of myself and share those as well. My true complexities are seemingly enlarged exponentially when i hear that song, or feel that beat that makes me move inside and want to dance , yell ,, scream or whatever the mood may be. But Music is the key to so much for me, its the starter pistol for this complex mind of mine to reach out and to take over the world i know with deep and complex thoughts and dreams and ways to realistically make shit happen. I only wished that my friend Scott lived closer, the only friend i have that shares the passion and the same musical tastes that i do, in fact we have introduced each other to some of our favorite bands and have gone to see them live all across the south land! But i do the best i can solo, and we are going to see Grant Lee Buffalo in Santa Barbara in January and will love to see him again, we usually have to go to Hollywood to see him but SB is damn cool. Still waiting for Ingram hill and Theory of a Deadman to come to the area and by area i mean 6 hours driving distance, but nothing anytime soon their websites indicate. whatever comes around we will venture out to see and enjoy. i love me some good music, and even better live, where the artists can't hid behind their gimmicks and their lack of talent! Fuck modern Pop music it blows and is all pre produced garbage  for music Videos sake... shit

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