Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Times Ahead

What an incredible day here in socal today, very nice and 72 degrees and really a chamber of commerce day in the Nard today. Went to the gym as planned and had a really nice and easy workout of cardio and a few sets of stomach and back. Feel really good today and after the sauna felt even better. I decided to head out to the base and hit Golf Balls and test the knee a Little, all went well hit the balls well and the knee is perfect ! Hit 100 balls and decided to stop by the office and say hello to the girls and do my timecard for the next pay period, thankfully my Boss did it for me so I'm juyst here typing on my site and filling in some time Til I go home and meet Terria there for a planned dinner somewhere nice. Since i never made it back home i will be doing a load or 2 of laundry til the wee hours I suppose but I'm good and quick about getting my shit ready for tomorrows trip. i do plan on getting up early and working out before we leave so that way i can eat an incredible vegas dinner somewhere and not feel as bad for it. The Show is at the Venetian and we are staying at the Sahara and heading back Sunday , off Monday from work for the holiday so who knows we might make a detour on the way home somewhere for no apparent reason, depends on the weather and how we feel, none of us have any plans but to do the weekend and all have Monday off. Taking a small ice chest  of rockstars and nuts for the drive and some fruit , might stop in Lancaster to  eat at Ottos bad ass breakfast house, amazingly huge portions of great food but we shall see and the term gut bomb comes to mind when i eat there but it is so damn good! My anticipatory sensor is on and i cannot wait to see the show and have a great Vegas dinner somewhere, dont really like Vegas too much but when there u can get a good meal and be proud to pay whatever it cost because its probably worth it! So good weekend to all and know we will be enjoying the trip and the conversations on the way there, til Sunday probably wont be adding anything on this site. don't really facebook anymore just add things that my friends post but my days of posting mind boggling shit on facebook are done, people don't get it and it's easier for me to unload here and know that Terria understands my complexities and that's all that really matters. Facebook had been very good to me and allowed me to create that alter ego of expressionary bliss, but there comes a time when everything must end or subside a bit and it has. So I'm using this site to express and use my thoughts and words to share my feelings and interests, sometimes really have nothing interesting but still feel the need to write something down and help me understand the roads that i take and the ways I get to where I'm going. I love to look back at times at my writings to see where I was and where my mindset was ,and how i emerged from whatever it was that i was writing about, be it good or bad there is always an end result. I like to go back in my history and see where I was and where I've come to to try to gauge my progress as a man and work forward and try to liver and learn and have fun all at the same time, throwing in being responsible and accountable for my life is also necessary but easier to do now that i understand myself a little better these days through therapy and an incredible communicative wife who shares and opens herself up and thus makes it easier for me to unload my burden on to her shoulders, a great situation we have and it is really working  and putting my past mistakes behind me and as tools to learn from and really never stop growing as a person, man Husband and father. Yeah Therapy is the best thing I've ever done and not all buy into it's allure but I for one do and will continue to use the given tools to do all  of the aforementioned positive things to make everybody around me a happier and better grounded and rounded person.

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