Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

Damn what a nice crisp morning it is right now, wake up at 930 and hate myself for missing the great weather outside today and yesterday. This is what we pay for when we live in Southern California, sunshine and 70 degrees!!!Well the headache and slight fever are gone I'm rubbing the cobwebs out of my eyes and trying to wake up properly to get the gym and breakfast out of the way so that I can get my laundry done and pack the few things I need for the 2 day trip to Vegas on Saturday morning. Feeling very energetic and real good today, Brandon just left to school and Terria started her day hours earlier and Here I sit resting and relaxing and loving every minute of it. I'm reloading my tunes on my Blackberry before i head to the gym and making me a newer playlist of songs to motivate me even more. The knees are feeling better the just injured one is plateauing I think and may need a shot upon my return to the Orthopedic in about 10 days.Come what may i am ready or whatever he chooses to do, worst case he scopes them both and /i feel like a kid again, Really promising outlook for me and my activity level.Been shooting baskets after my workouts on base, feeling the shooters touch coming back and very little pain in the knees by doing so. Well the Bally's bell is ringing and calling me to attend so the day is started all nice and fresh and looking towards a great workout and breakfast ,the weekend should even be better than I thought . So I'm off to pay the piper and get my shit started again . Good Times and good days ahead

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