Friday, July 31, 2020

Millenial Mania!

They are so damn depressed and don't know why
Angry at the fact that depression has taken your generation down
Don't know how, why or when it will ever fade away
Just know its here now and willing to stay

Priorities and entitlement so far apart
Priority is to be entitiled and made to feel relevent
This generation ME is removed from reality
Told they could be whatever they wanted to be

Participation trophies for everyone 
I'm given rewards even when I have failed
If We don't like what you think of us
Social media allows us to to suck our own dick

It's OK Timmie, you'll do better next time
Sad to say , this is the 400th next time
Stunted growth and evolution
So involved in the world of internet pollution

If it didn't happen yesterday it doesn't matter
No historical curiosity for where you, or those before you came from
Just knowing I'm here at the Starbucks coffee house
Taking pictures of myself with a cup of Java

Before you kiss your mate every morning 
Gotta check your phone and see what you have missed
In the loop is the place to be
Trying to figure out who you can be today

You Tweet and you book with addictive fervor
Assuming your friends care and want to be like you 
They don't even see you , for they're doing the same
It's the game you play , like chasing your own shadow

This Millenial mania is comical yet sad
Your depression , Narcissism and greed
Have backed you into a dead end 
Facebook, Snapchat and your $1200.00 iphone are your only friend

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