Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Do Over

The water flows never to return
Yesterday is also gone
Youthful exuberance replaced by aches and pains
Turmoil is brewing and Lockdown continues

Look in he rear view
missed opportunities
Broken hearts and broken promises
I vow to never break again

The world is a ghetto
Regardless of where you live
Hatred and bigotry exist without realizing
That virus is contagious

Finding the happy place
Locations to be myself
I speak, I read and write about it
pulling resources from days gone by

A box of memoirs hidden away
Thoughts of a painful yesterday
I fear reading about my past
Pulling the scabs away one at a time

Growth and perspective my true friend
Evolving into a better man
I'm only as good as those I touch
Making a difference one shoulder at a time

I can't change the course of this world
My 4 corners seemed so large
Yet my world has become so very small
I fight everyday to stay alive

Mistakes were made and exposed my flaws
I own my shortcomings in the hopes to do what's right
In a life of second guessing and doubt
A DO OVER would be nice right about now!

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